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Functional Testing

Functional testing can provide insights into how well specific organs or systems are working and how they are responding to different stimuli.  There are a variety of tests which can help you monitor your progress and delve further into underlying elements which may have contributed to developing cancer.  This enables us to apply science to your integrative approach and look into areas influencing cancer that your doctor may not. It also helps us identify the areas and metabolic factors which need to be focused on most so your time and resources are used in a structured way.


Below are a number of tests we use with clients with a brief outline.  You can find out more by clicking on the link. It can be quite a minefield knowing which tests to do and which order to do them in and of course there is a cost associated with this. We are here to guide you with this and we can also organise tests on your behalf.  We can also provide you with a summary of its findings and an appropriate support plan


Treatment Sensitivity Testing

Sensitivity of tumour cells to different drugs varies as can the degree of efficacy.  The chemosensitivity test is a simple blood sample. The drugs are tested on the epithelial tumour cells (CETC) circulating in the blood.   
The cells are exposed to substances over varying periods of time and at different concentrations. The decay rate of circulating tumour cells using cytotoxic drugs, natural remedies or homeopathic substances can be determined. This tells you if a chemotherapy will work for you and how much and if intravenous vitamin C will be successful and at what dose. 

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Circulating Tumour Cells
The cells from solid tumours circulating in blood (CETC) determine the risk of blood-borne metastases and hence the persons course of disease.   
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Complete Hormones

This advanced hormone testing was developed to improve on the available hormone testing options. DUTCH offers the most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites. Additionally, the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol is included along with melatonin. This unique combination of clinical information is not available by any other method.

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Functional Diagnostics Test
This comprehensive test measures 80 different blood markers analysing imbalances in body chemistry which may be a result of treatment or of metabolic activity of cancer. Particularly useful post treatment and for identifying which areas you need to focus on. 
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DetoxiGenomic Profile 

This test evaluates SNPs associated with increased risk of impaired detoxification capacity especially when exposed to environmental toxins. It also identifies individuals potentially susceptible to adverse drug reactions. 

This test gives information about any familial and genetic influences on how the liver detoxifies and methylate’s your toxic load.   

It identifies which drugs your body can cope with and which it can’t which is very useful when looking at the wide range of re-purposed drugs.

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GI Effects Full Profile
This is an advanced stool test. It offers valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome. Gut health is linked with both the underlying causes of cancer and also effectiveness of drug therapies.
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